News Story
DOHENY DINNER DANCE - (Number of times read: 1920)
PRO | Thursday 2 February 2023
The 1stDoheny Dinner Dance was held in Creedons Hotel, Inchigeelagh in 1963
& apart from the interruption of Covid in 2021 & 22 this proud 60 year tradition
is still going strong. The Doheny Dinner Dance again
proved to be a great success with approx. 150 people in
attendance. It’s a fantastic tonic to get over the January blues for
members of the Club. The new format of the dinner dance is
proving to be a winner with everyone having another very enjoyable night.
This year’s social celebrated the successes of the the Junior C/D footballers
winning West Cork Championship, the U21A footballers who won the 2020 West
Cork football Championship & the Doheny Ladies winning the
Junior B County League.
As usual
there was huge interest in the Player of the Year Award. In fact 3 no.
Player of the Year Awards had to be presented for 2020, 2021 & 2022. The
Denis Crowley Perpetual Trophy went to Bill Murphy (2020), Mark Buckley
(21) and Cathal O’Donovan (22), 3 fantastic players who obviously gave some eye
catching displays in the respective seasons.
Similarly to the
Player of the Year, 3 no. Club-person of the Year Awards were presented. Darren
Kelly got the reward in 2020 for organising, through the Club, the Malin -Mizen
fundraiser. It raised over €12,500 and
the proceeds were split between Pieta House & Dunmanway Community Hospital. Members of both the ladies & men’s
football Club who partook thoroughly enjoyed the experience and it was a great
lift during lockdown. Moreover, using
Club volunteers, Darren also coordinated with Meals on Wheels the delivery of the
dinners & other essential services to the vulnerable people of the
Community during lockdown. Both acts were very selfless & thoughtful and
gave the community as whole a great shot in the arm during gloomy times. Kevin Crowley scooped the 2021 Club person of
the Year Award. Kevin did massive work with
the Development Sub-Committee preparing the Capital Sports Grant Application for
the all the development that you see currently being undertaken in Sam Maguire
Park i.e. refurbishment of the old dressings rooms, fencing of the northern
boundary, fencing the main pitch etc. The
application proved very successful and a substantial grant allocation was
Kelleher was named Club person for 2022.
Along with his involvement with the Junior hurling team and various underage
teams, Philip is called upon time & time again to cut the grass in both
pitches & other maintenance activities around Sam Maguire Park that goes on
behind the scenes. His carpentry skills are
invaluable also. He’s Mr. Reliable as he is always willing to throw his
shoulder to the wheel when the Club are hosting big matches etc.
As usual an
excellent meal was provided by the Parkway Hotel. Our own Micheal
Collins, who was excellent on the night, and DJ Brian Downey provided the
music which was lively & energetic & a very pleasant night was had by