News Story

DR. MICHAEL HERLIHY RIP - (Number of times read: 2065)

Niall Collins | Tuesday 30 April 2013

On behalf of the Doheny GAA Club and Sam Maguire Underage club, it’s with great sadness and regret I post this message in memory of our club president, the late Dr. Michael Herlihy RIP. The Doc, as he was affectionately known, past away today 30th April.

To his wife Anne, sons Barry, Brian, Declan and Michael, we, as a club and a community, pass on our sincere sympathies and deepest condolences.

Michael, a true gael, gave a lifetime of service to both clubs in many different capacities, fulfilling many roles and functions, and was one of the most popular characters, not just on the Cork GAA scene, but also on the GAA scenes both nationally and internationally.

The term, “the doc”, will forever be associated with a great man, an astute gael, a committed and dedicated Doheny man and a friend and comrade to us all. He now joins the other respected members of the Doheny family that have gone before him and will be forever remembered with enduring fondness, for his passion, dedication and pride for the green jersey

Michael, your honours, achievements, accreditations would not be given justice in this brief piece, but all deserve the respect and appreciation that you gave to others. A phrase used in the context of team doctors for sporting teams is the term, “the magic spray” – but your magic was not just in the professional manner you attended to our players ills and tribulations with, but the magic personality that you applied to your role as team doctor, team selector and most of all, team and club personality.

We thank you as a club, as an association and as a family.

The Doc – forever remembered, never forgotten.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis. Mo chóbhrón dá chlann is dá cháirde uilig. Is mó an chailiút dóibh suid ná dúinne.


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